Friday, June 28, 2013

Music: MisfitKids and TotalOutcasts

Malcolm Kelley and Tony Oller. "Who?" you may ask. Only one of the most AMAZE duos out there. They met on the set of a TeenNick TV show called Gigantic and played best friends. They became best friends in real life and their rollercoaster has only been going up since then.

Their hit song "Thank You" a satirical and sarcastic ode to the generation preceding ours, garnered 500k hit on YouTube in two days, and when you hear the song,  you'll understand why.

Now I'm not one of those angst-filled teens and I don't completely agree that the adults totally ruined EVERYTHING. Some actually left behind a great legacy for us to continue, but I do agree that they will also be leaving us with a pretty big mess to clean up.

We (the youth) however, do have to step up because I understand that we are all human and imperfect and we will make mistakes.

Apart from all of that though, the vid and song are super amazing! And the boys... whoo...

So, MKTO keep being awesome and blazing trails. I'll definitely be right behind you.

You can watch the video here: watch?v=X0gtzHJphVg

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